Wednesday 26 March 2014

“5 Things I Learnt From Linda Ikeji – Nigerian Blogging Queen”

A Little Check On Linda Ikeji

It all started in 2006 when a young model decided to quit modelling and venture into something different. She started Linda Ikeji Blog for fun and never expected to make such fortune out of it, but with hardwork, patience and applying the right strategies, Nigeria’s most successful Entertainment blog was born.
5 Things I Learned From Linda Ikeji

1. Regular Blog Updates

This is one character every blogger should imbibe if you really want a busy blog that drives more traffic than you ever expected. A blog that is usually updated keeps readers coming back for more and especially if your articles are of high quality.
Must Read: 5 Tips To Overcoming Blogging Writer’s Block

Not only would this be of interest to your readers, but also search engine bots would visit your blog regularly and in regards increase your blog page index time. You might not really know the impact this might have on your organic traffic until you try it out.

2. Numerous Articles Per Day

I understand that all blogging niches are not the same and I shouldn’t expect you to blog as much as 20 blogs per day just like Linda does. But truth be said, if you consider your blog a business and want to make a living off it, you would definitely research more on your area of interest and post a whole lotnumber of articles daily.

The benefits here are numerous.
After I tried out posting just 2 articles per day, I recorded a 68% increase in traffic
You would rank for multiple keywords on search engines, and in return get more traffic
Remember, more traffic equals higher earnings if you know you way around it.
It improves the likelihood of an advertiser approaching you for your ad space as this would show how busy and serious your blog is

You do not have an excuse to this whatsoever niche you find yourself, top bloggers use this strategy to outrank us. If you wish to increase your traffic, try this out.
Must Read: How I Generate Fresh Content Ideas

3. She Breaks The News

One rule I hold on to is breaking the news in your Niche. I remember sometime last year when Google introduced the large skyscrapper ad unit, this blog was one of the first places most people read it. It turned in a whole lot of new readers and even backlinks from other bloggers who referenced to the article.

Linda Ikeji knows her onions uses this strategy also to wow her audience. This is another great aspect of this Nigerian blogger you should explore on your blog.

4. She Writes Her Opinion

Whatever people say shouldn’t always influence your opinion as a blogger. Your readers would love you more if you can give your thoughts and first hand experience concerning topics you cover on your blog. For instance, most times Linda writes what she feels about an issue, and would often ask her readers what they also think about it. I used that strategy in writing various case studies on this blog. Even in this post, I used that trick in getting you to read, I could have titled this post “5 Tis To Becoming a Successful Blogger in Nigeria“, but titling it “5 Things I Learnt From Linda Ikeji – Nigerian Blogging Queen” would gain more attention since i’m giving first hand information on what I learnt. It all points to the fact that, your readers would prefer your opinion over generic blog posts.
Must Read: How To Write Catchy and Compelling Headlines

5. She is Generous

Though i haven’t been practicing this, but giveaways turn in a whole bunch of new readership and fans for any blog. Last month, Linda Ikeji gave out a Hundred Thousand Naira each (approx. $600) to ten active commentators on her blog. I can sure bet that this would really boost her blog readership. If you need a quick sprout in your blog’s traffic and dedicated readers, then try this strategy.

Conclusively, Linda Ikeji is one great blogger you can pick a whole lot of healthy blogging stuff from regardless what blogging Niche you find yourself. I hope you find this tips helpful in your blogging pursuit. Cheers and see you at the top.

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